造雪机特点:Features of snowmaker:1.电脑控制:各种操作参数的设定通过电脑完成,并在文本显示器上显示;1. Computer control: the setting of various operation parameters is completed by computer and displayed on the text display;2.自动报警:故障发生时,立即响起报警声井在文本显示器上显示出故障原因;2. Automatic alarm: when the fault occurs, the alarm sound well will be sounded immediately to display the fault reason on the text display;3.系统连接:无线WIFI连接,可用手机或电脑直接操作,是目前先进的操作系统;3. System connection: wireless WiFi connection, which can be directly operated by mobile phone or computer, is an advanced operating system at present;4.高温造雪:专为高温地区临界温度和湿度设计;4. High temperature snow making: specially designed for critical temperature and humidity in high temperature areas;5.出雪量大:造雪量可以达到每小时80立方米。
5. Large amount of snow: the amount of snow can reach 80 cubic meters per hour. Its high-power axial-flow fan can effectively make snow far away and cover a larger area.6.雪质精细雪成新雪质精细,含水量低;6. Fine snow , fine snow and low water content;7.高温造雪:温度0度,湿度60%以下出雪;7. High temperature snow making: the temperature is 0 ℃, and the humidity is below 60%;8.经久耐用:故障率低,深受用户的青睐;8. Durable: low failure rate, favored by users;9.质量好,厂家售后服务完善,用户放心。
9. Good , perfect after-sales service provided by the manufacturer, and users can rest assured.
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