瞬间行程雪幕 国产大扬程造雪设备 造雪机
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 42 台
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2019-12-09 10:08
浏览次数: 95
手机号: 15624090988
电话: 15624090988
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Snow making machine is the main working e in artificial snow making system. It looks like how the high-end atmospheric grade snow making machine makes snow. Do you know how it works?


Large snowmaker is a kind of electrical device that can transform a large amount of liquid water into high-pressure atomized ice crystals. It is mainly used in artificial snow making, artificial ski field layout, fire fighting and other aspects.


Most of them are e with crawler wheels which are easy to move, and they are e with a relatively wide diameter (about half a meter in diameter) and a short and thick snow spraying gun barrel. It is e with a crawler wheel which is easy to move, and is e with a relatively wide diameter (about half meter in diameter) and a short and thick snow spraying gun barrel.


The traditional high-pressure water and air are usually used to make snow. The working process is that the high-pressure water from the high-pressure water pump and the high-pressure air from the air compressor are mixed at the double inlet nozzle.


Using the natural evaporation and the volume expansion of the air out of the nozzle to take away the heat and make the droplets condense into ice crystals.

瞬间行程雪幕 国产大扬程造雪设备 造雪机

  • 地址:山东济宁
  • 电话:15624090988
  • 邮件:396326128@qq.com
  • 手机:15624090988
  • 传真:15624090988
  • 联系人:赵经理