全方位提供造雪设备 人工降雪机国产大型造雪机
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 871 台
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2019-11-16 13:34
浏览次数: 117
手机号: 15624090988
电话: 15624090988
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金耀造雪机产品势:Product potential of Jinyao snow making machine:喷嘴采用技术雾化效果Atomization effect of nozzle with international standard technology喷头高强铝合金紧密锻造Nozzle high strength aluminum alloy close forging多嘴喷技术Multi nozzle spray technology喷嘴设计结构可以达到良好的出雪状态The design structure of the nozzle can achieve a good snow state造雪不受气候影响Snow making is not affected by climate造出的雪很干燥,品质高,可以长期保持The snow produced is very dry and of high , which can be kept for a long time喷雪距离远(能达到100m以上)Long distance of snow spraying (over 100m)360度旋转,仰俯角调节,自动摇头45度,铺设面积大,节省人力360 degree rotation, pitch angle adjustment, automatic head shaking 45 degrees, large laying area, labor saving能耗小,体积小,环境污染少Small energy consumption, small volume and less environmental pollution进口核心配件,可上门安装调试Imported core accessories, which can be installed and debugged on site单台覆盖㎡Single set covers ㎡1.多角度可方便调整,造雪范围广。
 1. Multiple angles can be adjusted easily, and the range of snow making is wide.  2.是低耗能和高造雪量的代表。
2. It is the representative of low energy consumption and high snow production. The unique design makes it an ideal machine for the utilization of hydropower resources. It is widely used in ski resorts, high cost-effective snow making e配备钢制支腿及三个行走轮胎,移动更方便。
3. E with steel legs and three walking tires, it is more convenient to move.4.不锈钢喷嘴,利用特种材质精细制作的环形水晶喷水系统,具有合适比例的水和空气的混合效果,能在临界温度下高效造雪 4. Stainless steel nozzle, a ring crystal spray system made of special materials, has the mixing effect of appropriate proportion of water and air, and can effectively make snow at critical temperature.5.造雪机质量好,厂家售后服务完善,免费上门安装调试和培训,请用户放心使用。
5. The of snowmaker is good, the manufacturer's after-sales service is perfect, free on-site installation, debugging and training, please feel free to use.
  • 地址:山东济宁
  • 电话:15624090988
  • 邮件:396326128@qq.com
  • 手机:15624090988
  • 传真:15624090988
  • 联系人:赵经理