稳定造雪更灵活 全自动遥控造雪机 大型造雪机厂家
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 52 台
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2019-11-27 17:06
浏览次数: 93
手机号: 15624090988
电话: 15624090988
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The purpose of building a ski resort is to make more profits. The larger the passenger flow, the more profitable our snow field will be, but on the other hand, the loss of snow will be more and more.这样的话就必须要考虑到滑雪场造雪时的厚度,厚度越高,周期就越长,的厚度越低的话,滑雪者消耗的也会越快,补雪的周期就会越短。
In this way, we must take into account the thickness of the ski field when making snow. The higher the thickness is, the longer the cycle will be. On the contrary, the lower the thickness is, the faster the skier will consume, and the shorter the cycle will be.比如:有的滑雪场厚的地方造雪机造雪的厚度在两米左右,这样不仅延长了滑雪场的补雪周期,还可以让游客更加喜欢滑雪场,增加游客的滑雪乐趣和体验度。
For example, the thickness of snow making machine in some places with thick ski resorts is about two meters, which not only extends the snow mending cycle of ski resorts, but also makes tourists like ski resorts more and increases their skiing fun and experience.对于中型以及大型滑雪场来说,我们还必须要用到压雪车来把底层造雪机造过的雪压实了,由于雪的密度小,雪质干爽细腻,经过了压雪车的碾压,雪就更不容易融化。
In addition, for medium-sized and large-scale ski resorts, we must also use snowplows to compact the snow made by the bottom snowmaker. Because of the small density of snow and the dry and delicate of snow, the snow is not easy to melt after the rolling of snowplows. The same thickness can effectively extend the operating cycle of the snow field.
  • 地址:山东济宁
  • 电话:15624090988
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  • 联系人:赵经理