还好玩的游乐坦克车 四季都能玩的液压越野坦克车
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 87 台
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2019-12-06 11:37
浏览次数: 99
手机号: 15624090988
电话: 15624090988
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Snow tank is highly popular among all kinds of e in the ice and snow park. Its appearance is very similar to the real battle tank. It is an ice and snow amusement e. The cool appearance alone is enough to attract tourists' attention and make them eager to produce consumption desire.雪地坦克不止是外形美观,其的性能也是游客喜欢它的原因之一,驱动方式有三种,分别是:电力驱动、燃油驱动、油电混合驱动。
Snow tank is not only beautiful in appearance, but also one of the reasons why tourists like it. There are three driving modes: electric drive, fuel drive and hybrid drive.电力驱动的一般造型更加小巧,多用于为儿童消费者服务,速度平稳,安全性高,不用担心驾驶速度太快撞到障碍物受伤,驾驶方式简单易学sdjy-zb-sdjyThe general shape of electric drive is smaller and more used for children's consumer service. The speed is stable and the safety is high. You don't need to worry about driving too fast, hitting obstacles and getting hurt. The driving mode is simple and easy to learn
  • 地址:山东济宁
  • 电话:15624090988
  • 邮件:396326128@qq.com
  • 手机:15624090988
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  • 联系人:赵经理